Famous people
Petar Preradović
Poet, member of Illyrian movement, a candidate for Croatian ban and grandfather of the author of Austrian national anthem was born in Grabrovnica near Pitomača. An exhibition about his life and work is arranged there.
Drago Britvić
According to many members of the former state, Drago Britvić was a poet who created the most beautiful lyrics for entertaining music, and thus enriched the broadest masses with a beautiful word.
Stjepan Sulimanac
Born in Turnašica. Štefina, as he was called by friends and acquaintances, has always been the protector of small people and peasants. Through his political engagement as vice-president of the Croatian Parliament, he has lobbied for Croatia and his ideals.
Marijan Jergović
An internist by profession, and a composer in heart, he is the conceptual founder of the festival in Pitomača.
Mirko Lauš
He is the founder and director of the Slavica Cinema Club at the Elementary School in Pitomača with which he has achieved numerous notable results in Croatia and abroad and brought Croatian children’s filmmaking to the very top of the world.